How to Respond To Negative Reviews On Google Play Store or Apple App Store

Nobody likes to get a bad online review. Of course, it is sad to see a stream of 1-star ratings and comments in the app store or google play store. Such reviews can also severely affect your app position and discoverability.
However, with the help of a simple communication strategy, you can deal with all the contradictory reviews, along with encouraging greater customer loyalty and engagement.
It is essential to take a step to acknowledge the negative app reviews. Here are a few tips on how to deal with a negative online review which might turn a dissatisfied customer into a happy customer.
1. Make a quick formal apology.
Dealing with a negative review in a positive way requires a cool head. Take a few minutes to collect your thoughts while responding to a genuinely upset customer. Don’t delay this for days, and whatever you do, never ignore it!
It is advisable to keep calm and always make a polite apology to the reviewer with the reply like “We are sorry for causing you an unpleasant experience, your feedback gives us the chance to fix this issue.”
Wait, do not use this standard response every time. Customize your response to each reviewer’s feedback. It creates a sense of personalized attention to your customers.
2. Don’t just respond — Fix the problem.
In some cases, depending on a situation, you may need to ask the customer to contact you by phone to discuss the problem. When you show that you are actively trying to solve the problem, shows the customer and others that you truly want to fix the issue. A study says that more than 80% of people trusting online reviews.
Tell the user what action you are going to take to make this better and notify the user when the bugs are fixed.
Not only does solving the problem make that customer happy, but other potential customers will also see how vital satisfying your customers is to your business.
3. Don’t make excuses.
Even if the reason behind the customers’ pain was not your fault, you should never make excuses. See the problem from user’s perspective. Be as genuine and transparent as possible. Honesty is always the best policy.
Making excuses leads more negative impressions on the customer as well on other customers.
4. Look at the positive in the negative.
When you are getting bad reviews, grab the opportunity to make it better.
Figure out what is common in the negative reviews. Once you’ve identified the patterns, figure out what product or service is causing a problem with your customers. Fix them as quickly as possible. Turn that frown upside down and take the odd negative review for what it is — a chance to show them how caring, responsible and awesome you are!
The most important thing is to learn from the negative feedback. Don’t take it too personally. Ultimately, negative feedback should act as a framework for how your company evolves.
5. Do not entertain trolls.
Don’t waste your precious time on a review that is not directly related to the software or business. Trolls exist everywhere, and you can just avoid them. The attention that they are seeking out for will undoubtedly draw you into an argument that might not gain any results. Regular battle with the trolls can be harmful to your app and community.
6. Encourage positive reviews.
Removing or changing negative reviews is one of two ways to improve your rating. The other is building the number of positive reviews. Proposing satisfied users within the app to leave a review is the best way to do this.
7. Improve your product.
This may sound naive, but consistently negative feedback can be a severe wake-up call for app publishers.
For example, if customers are giving your app negative reviews about lack of a feature, or tendency to crash on specific devices, then you should seriously consider these issues in your list of priorities for development and quality check.
Your negative reviews can turn into positive reviews if you satisfactorily solve the issue and address the problem your user was upset about. Users can update their reviews in both the App Store and Play Store. So consider this as an opportunity for the improvement and make your customer reviews count.
At AppTrait Solutions, we always think about how the user will interact with different functions in your app, keeping the seamless user experience in mind. The optimization is a continuous process, and over time, you’ll see the value of your improvements.
If you developing an iOS application or have an iOS app idea then you must be aware of the latest iOS update which will help to boost your downloads.
